Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Census Bureau Releases American Community Survey data for 2009

The U.S Census Bureau has released the 2009 American Community Survey (ACS) 1-year estimates on American FactFinder. There you will find tables with social, demographic, housing, and economic data for areas with populations of 65,000 or more. The American Community Survey provides a wealth of demographic, social, economic and housing data. For example, here is where Utah ranks among all U.S. states and the District of Columbia in 2009.

Utah ranks:
  • Forty-ninth for the percent of households with one or more person 65 years or older.
  • Number one for the percent of households with one or more person under 18 years of age.
  • Fifty-first for the percentage of people with a disability.
  • Eighth for the percentage of people over 25 who have graduated from high school.
  • Twentieth for the percentage of people over 25 with at least a Bachelor's degree.
  • Thirty-fourth for the percent of married couples with both spouses in the labor force.
  • Forty-eighth for the percentage of children in poverty.
  • Twelfth for the percentage of children without health insurance coverage.
  • Twentieth for the percentage of the population without health insurance coverage.
  • Fifth for the percentage of homes built since 2005.
  • Twenty-first for median family income.
  • Twenty-second for the percentage of the population that is foreign born.
  • First for average household size.
  • Forty-ninth for the age of women at first marriage.
  • Forty-first for the average travel time to work.
  • Eighteenth for the percentage of the population that is white/not Hispanic.
  • Sixteenth for the divorce rate for women.

Data for 2009 are available for the state, Cache, Davis, Salt Lake, Utah, Washington, and Weber counties. Three-and five-year estimates will be available for the remaining counties in three to four month.

Click here to access the data.